Brooklyn's Bites

Just another weblog

Random Thoughts After President Clinton’s PoliSci Lesson September 6, 2012

This cursor has been blinking for the past 45 minutes. I started this not too long after Presidents Clinton & Obama walked off the stage. I picked up my laptop and began to type as my emotions ran high, my son cheered and jumped in glee as he finally go to see his “best fwiend Pwesident Obmamama” and my social media timelines blew up with DNC excitement.

I tried to vocalize what was running through my head and my heart. I tried to compartmentalized, label and express what was coursing through my veins. I wanted so badly to say something. I typed and typed. Deleted and typed. Sat and listened. Typed and read. Deleted and waited. Waited for the words. Waited for the faces of my ancestors to leave my mind so that I could create a clear sentence. I waited for my son’s excitement to subside so I could understand what was happening to me and to him. I waited for President Clinton’s words to sink in. I waited for the words to form a story. They didn’t. There were just too many words. Too many emotions. Too many thoughts. A fire was coursing through my veins and it needed to get out. I prayed. I prayed so hard I fell asleep. I woke up with my hand over my heart still in the same position I feel asleep in, fire still burning in my soul. I grabbed my laptop, opened it and stared at the screen. I’ve decided not to think…just type. Here goes…

I grew up in a large but very close-knit family, with a large extended family of friends & community that are our family. Community, Family and God have been a staple of my life. Our community are our friends, our friends are our family, family is love and love is God. That’s what I was taught. I was taught that you can’t do it alone. It takes a village. Where is my village? Here in America. I was taught that EVERYONE in this country counted! Last night I got that from Bill Clinton’s speech. The governing of this country shouldn’t be based on party beliefs but a compromise of what is good for this country and it’s inhabitants. Why is that so hard to understand? No one should HATE Republicans or Democrats! We all bring great things to this country no matter the tax bracket, social standing or political party. We are one community in this nation. If we don’t start acting like it, we are never going to get back on top. We all love this country. There is no one party that loves this country more than another. We love this country because this is our home. This is where we belong. This is who we are. It’s time to start loving this country and our fellow countrymen.

I know that like religion, our politics are a very personal thing. It’s personal because it can change how we can take care of ourselves and our families. So speaking up and being heard is very important. It’s truly important that we share our stories and our opinions. But it’s also important that we learn and understand the truth. We need to know the facts of our candidates and lawmakers. We must read the bills and legislation take control of our country. They can’t do it on their own. We need to help them help us. Before you go into that booth, before you register or re-register to vote, get the facts! Politics, like people evolve and change, it’s time to grow with the times. Learn about what your political party is doing. Understand why The President has done what he’s done. Think of ALL Americans. We need everyone in this country to stand strong because everyone has a job and place in society. Everyone has to do their part and they have to be accounted for as well. We have got to get out of this selfish mindset in order to move forward and grow. Please stay informed. Arm yourselves with knowledge. THAT’S how you take control of your government, with truths and facts!


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